
Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4

Original price was: €79.99.Current price is: €9.99.

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Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4 is available on GamesCard.Net with the cheapest price and fast delivery. Buy now and start downloading instantly.



Do you want to play BF 2042 but also want to enjoy some extra stuff? Maybe you want some extra things and the ability to play Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4 on next-gen. Then, you are on the right page.

Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4 – Future-Gen, Future Wars on Budget

Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4 is more than BF 2042. It offers more maps, specialists and weapons and also all other feature that Battlefield 2042 offers, such as:

  • 64-player multiplayer: Adrenaline-pumping, crowded online matches
  • Visual superiority: BF 2042 is so realistic that it will give you post-traumatic syndrome disorder.
  • Tactical gameplay: Different operators and gadgets make everyone in the team valuable.

So, while you can enjoy Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4 at the lowest possible price on the market on GamesCard.Net, why would you look for less?

Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4

Superpowers in WW3

The United States of America and Russia start to fight, again… This major conflict in 2042 witnesses the usage of the newest war technologies.

For example, Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4 provides players with mechanical dogs, wingsuits, drones and long-distance heal guns.

Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4

Unlock the Potential of Multiplayer in Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4

If you are playing a Battlefield game, you are probably doing it for its multiplayer. Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4 offers a great multiplayer experience as well.

Also, the maps are quite huge and they offer strategic variety with different locations and vantage points. Moreover, buildings on the maps are destructible, which affects tactics constantly in Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4.

Furthermore, random events like rockets from space stations, sandstorms and cyclones add further dynamism to the game.

Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4

In sum, you should buy Battlefield 2042 Cross-Gen Bundle Ps4 at the best offer online on GamesCard.Net if you want to play a great first-person shooter game.


Audio: Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish

Screen Languages: Chinese, English, French, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish





This Game is Not a CD or Disc. We deliver the original game to you via E-mail with a PS4-PS5 account that you can download and play for a lifetime. FAQ.