
Arizona Sunshine 2 for Ps5


Discover Arizona Sunshine 2 for Ps5 at unbeatable prices. Get the best deals on this thrilling sequel, ensuring an immersive gaming experience on your Ps5 console.


Step into the blistering heat of post-apocalyptic Arizona once again in Arizona Sunshine 2 for Ps5. This highly anticipated sequel invites you to rejoin the action-packed world overrun by zombies, led by your witty guide, Fred.

Arizona Sunshine 2 for Ps5 Features

Embark on a limb-strewn adventure, navigating through a sun-kissed yet perilous landscape while seeking answers in this unforgiving, bullet-scarce reality. The game elevates the thrill of combat, offering an arsenal of both new and beloved weapons like shotguns, machetes, and flamethrowers for a more immersive and realistic experience.

But survival in this desolate world isn’t a solo endeavor—meet Buddy, your loyal four-legged companion who not only stands by your side but also aids in neutralizing the relentless threats posed by the notorious Freds.

As you navigate this grim reality, unexpected friendships emerge, shifting the dynamics of survival in surprising ways. Revel in:

  • A cinematic VR journey, weaving intense survival into an immersive narrative
  • Physically wielding an array of weapons for adrenaline-pumping combat scenarios
  • Exploring stunning next-gen VR environments amidst the chaos of the apocalypse
  • Unraveling the grisly demise of zombies through an enhanced mutilation and gore system
  • Engaging in the full campaign with a friend in thrilling 2-player co-op mode
  • Joining forces with up to three others in the 4-player co-op Horde mode, with continuous free map updates throughout Year 1

In Arizona Sunshine 2 for Ps5, it’s not just about surviving—it’s about finding camaraderie and unexpected connections in a world teetering on the edge of destruction.

Buy Arizona Sunshine 2 for Ps5 at the best price ever on market.


Audio : English

Screen Languages : Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish

This Game is Not a CD or Disc. We deliver the original game to you via E-mail with a PS4-PS5 account that you can download and play for a lifetime. FAQ.