The Last of Us Fans May Get a Tommy Spin-Off Game or Show

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The Last of Us Fans May Get a Tommy Spin-Off Game or Show

The Last of Us is one of the most popular and fun video game series of all time. The story of Joel and Ellie is in the hearts of millions of fans around the world. But what about Joel’s brother, Tommy? He is also a key character in the series, and he has his own story to tell. Thankfully, Naughty Dog boss says that a Tommy spin-off will see the light of day. So, it will certainly be a title we will get when we buy PlayStation games.

Buy PlayStation Games – Tommy’s Story

In a recent documentary, Druckmann said that he has a story outline for Tommy that takes place after TLoU 2. He said that it was always a small story, not a full title and that he did not prioritize it.

The reason is that he wants to focus on the work-life balance at Naughty Dog better. However, he still believes that one day, it’ll see the light of day, either as a game or a show.

Tommy Certainly Deserves a Spin-Off

Tommy is Joel’s younger brother, and he has been through a lot in the series. He was a former member of the Fireflies, a rebel group that wanted to find a cure for the infection.

Tommy later left them and settled in Jackson, where he married Maria. He helped Joel and Ellie in their journey as well, and he also went on his own mission to avenge Joel’s death. Tommy is a complex and deep character, and fans would love to see more of his story.

What Could Happen in a Tommy Spin-Off

We did not get any details about what the story outline for a Tommy spin-off entails. However, Druckmann says that it is as exciting as the first and second games and that it has a throughline for all three.

It is possible that the spin-off could explore Tommy’s past as a Firefly, his bond with Joel, his life in Jackson, or his quest for revenge.

It could also show how he deals with the outcome of the second game, and how he copes with his injuries and losses.

Buy PlayStation Games – Summing Up

The Last of Us universe is now bigger than the games. There is a TV adaptation of the first game on HBO, and it stars Pedro Pascal as Joel and Bella Ramsey as Ellie. So, having a concept for a third game is certainly a great thing to see.

However, whether Naughty Dog will actually do something about it, and whether we will be able to get it when we buy PlayStation games is still unknown. Therefore, we can only hope for such a future and wait to see if the studio ends up delivering on this concept.

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