The Friendly Dog Mystery in Elden Ring Finally Solved

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The Friendly Dog Mystery in Elden Ring Finally Solved

Elden Ring is a game full of mysteries, but few haunt gamers quite as much as the friendly dog. This furry friend does not behave like most enemies in the game, and no one knows why. Until now, that is. A YouTuber’s video shows how they can check a friendly dog’s behavior, and it’s surprisingly simple. Of course, you must see it for yourself as well and get Elden Ring when you buy PlayStation game titles.

Buy PlayStation Game – The Not So Friendly Dog

The friendly dog is a creature that you can find in Leyndell, one of the regions in Elden Ring. Unlike most enemies in the game, the friendly dog does not attack the player, even if they approach it.

Many players think there’s more to it than meets the eye and that the dog has some special role, too. However, the truth is much less exciting.

The friendly dog is not friendly at all. It’s a normal enemy that has a glitch in its animation. The dog’s behavior depends on where the player steps and when they enter Leyndell.

Who Solved the Mystery

The mystery of the friendly dog was solved by a YouTuber named Zullie the Witch. They posted a video of their findings, which revealed that the friendly dog’s animation is triggered by a specific location outside of Leyndell.

If the player visits that location and then goes to Leyndell without reloading the game, the friendly dog will attack. The video shows that the friendly dog’s animation is linked to the wrong event location.

This means that the dog must attack the player when they enter Leyndell. However, the game thinks that they are somewhere else. So this makes the dog stay still and act friendly.

The Case Remains Open?

Even though the case is clear, it is still a mystery why the developers of Elden Ring made such a mistake. Was it a simple oversight or a deliberate choice?

Did they intend to make the friendly dog a special character or a hidden Easter egg? We may never know the answer. What we do know is that the friendly dog is a rare and unique phenomenon in the Elden Ring.

It is popular among many players, and they try to pet it, feed it, and even befriend it. Some players may be sad to learn that the friendly dog is not friendly at all.

Buy PlayStation Game – Conclusion

So, the friendly dog in Elden Ring is a mystery that finally sees its conclusion after two years. This finally puts an end to the debate on why the dog behaves the way it does. However, while this one comes to an end, Elden Ring still holds many more strange cases that have no explanation. So, if you want to buy PlayStation game titles and want something fun, then this game is still one of the best options.

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