Ignite Your Weapons in Lords of the Fallen

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Ignite Your Weapons in Lords of the Fallen

In the dual world of Lords of the Fallen, survival often means you need to upgrade your gear and find key resources. One such item is Minor Fire Salts. In this article, we will tell you what they are, how to use them, and where to find them. It’s a journey that will take you through the fiery depths of this epic game and tell you about one of its most exciting elements. So, anyone looking to buy PS4 games must get this title right away and join the fun.

Buy PS4 Games – Understanding Minor Fire Salts

Minor Fire Salts are a common resource in Lords of the Fallen. They are essentially a bag of salts with flaming properties used to upgrade weapons.

These salts add a temporary buff by increasing a weapon’s damage with fire, making them an ideal addition against challenging foes.

The fiery power they imbue can turn the tide in many battles, making your journey through the game’s treacherous landscapes a bit more manageable.

Using Minor Fire Salts

To use Minor Fire Salts, players need only consume the item to set their weapon ablaze. However, accessing other weapon upgrades requires freeing and locating the game’s Blacksmith, Gerlinde.

Once free, Gerlinde can upgrade weapons and other resources at Skyrest Bridge. This process adds another layer of strategy to the game, as players must decide when and where to use their precious salts for maximum effect.

Finding Minor Fire Salts

Players are likely to find Minor Fire Salts early in their playthrough. They tend to spawn in certain areas or drop from certain enemies.

For instance, hooded foes who cast fiery projectiles around the Abandoned Redcopse area may drop Minor Fire Salts once killed.

This means that exploration and combat are both crucial aspects of acquiring these valuable resources.

Purchasing Minor Fire Salts

Alternatively, players can buy Minor Fire Salts from certain NPCs or traders, such as Gerlinde and Thehk-Ihir, who sell Minor Fire Salts for 250 Vigor.

Players can also discover or buy other types of salt-themed consumables that add different types of weapon damage.

This opens a whole new avenue for resource acquisition and management, adding depth to the game’s already complex mechanics.

Buy PS4 Games – Summing Up

Minor Fire Salts are a key resource in Lords of the Fallen and you need to get it too. Knowing how to get and use them can enhance your gameplay a lot, and you will feel it right away. So, whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to this game, know that these salts can make your journey in its treacherous areas much more manageable.

So, when you buy PS4 games and get this title, be sure to keep the Minor Fire Salts in mind. They may just end up being the thing that saves you in a tough spot.

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