Downside to Huge Weapon Count in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Downside to Huge Weapon Count in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is one of the most anticipated games of 2023, and for good reason. The game will have a massive amount of content, including a vast arsenal of weapons, both old and new ones. However, this could affect the game in some ways and make it tough to compete against other discounted PS5 games.

Discounted PS5 Games – Balancing Issues

One of the biggest issues with having a huge number of weapons in a game is the lack of balance. It can be very difficult to balance them all. With so many different guns to choose from, it’s inevitable that some will be better than others.

This can lead to a situation where only a few guns are viable in competitive play. So, everyone else ends up using the same weapons, too, if they want to win.

Another downside to a large weapon count is that it can make the game feel less unique. When there are so many different guns to choose from, it’s easy for them to start blending.

This can make it difficult for players to find a gun that they really enjoy using. Additionally, it can also make the game feel less immersive.

Impact on the Meta

The large weapon count in Modern Warfare 3 could also have a significant impact on the game’s meta. With so many gun options, it’s likely that the meta will shift rapidly in the early days of the game. This can be frustrating for players, as they may have to constantly adjust their loadouts to stay competitive.

Limited Variety

Despite the large number of weapons, it’s possible that the multiplayer will have less variety than previous titles. This is because players are likely to use the most powerful weapons in the game. So, it will again lead to a situation where everyone is using the same few guns.

Difficulty for New Players

The large weapon count in Modern Warfare 3 could also make the game more difficult for new players to get into. With so many different guns to choose from, it can be overwhelming for new players to figure out which guns are best for them. This could lead to new players being at a significant disadvantage compared to experienced players.

Discounted PS5 Games – Conclusion

The large weapon count in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a potential downside that the developers should be aware of. Each of the issues that you can see above is going to play a key role in how well the game performs.

So, it would be wise for the developers to come up with a solution that addresses these problems. Having to compete with discounted PS5 games would be a big challenge on its own, and making the game perfect is the only way forward.

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