Assassin’s Creed Origins Evolved the Series Through RPG

Best PS4 Games

Assassin’s Creed Origins Evolved the Series Through RPG

Remember the thrill of jumping over rooftops, sword drawn, as an Assassin in the classic series games? Assassin’s Creed Origins took a daring leap and added a whole new layer of adventure to the mix: RPG elements! This led to the game becoming so much bigger and with so many cool things to do. So, Origins marks a turning point in the series, and it is easy to see why it is one of the best PS4 games out there. Here’s why we still love this game so much:

  • Crafting your assassin
  • A world full of side quests
  • Level up your loot
  • More than just combat

Best PS4 Games – Key Features

Crafting Your Assassin

Say goodbye to pre-made heroes! Origins lets you mold your own Medjay warrior, Bayek, and go crazy with it. Choose your fighting style, customize your gear, and unlock powerful skills as you play the game.

Also, every decision, from the weapons you wield to the armor you don, shapes Bayek’s abilities and style too. So, it’s not just about the story, and you must create an assassin who feels uniquely yours!

A World Full of Side Quests

The world in Origins isn’t just a backdrop; you get a massive sandbox of quests and adventure! Go beyond the main story and take on side quests that range from hunting down rogue bandits to solving ancient mysteries.

Each quest rewards you with experience, loot, and a deeper understanding of the vibrant world around you. Remember, exploration is how you become a master Assassin, and find your place in history.

Level Up Your Loot

Gone are the days of finding the same sword in every chest! Origins adds a rich loot system, and you find all kinds of weapons, armor, and crafting materials as you explore and conquer.

Try on different gear, upgrade your favorites, and watch your Assassin evolve from a feeble warrior to a legend. Furthermore, every piece of loot tells a story, and the right gear can turn the tide of any battle.

More Than Just Combat

Finally, Origins is no longer just a hacking and slashing game. You get to find hidden puzzles, go inside old tombs, and even take on chariot races to break up the action.

These activities not only test your skills but also offer unique rewards and insights into that world. Being an Assassin is about more than just combat; you need to be adaptable and resourceful and also master a variety of skills.

Best PS4 Games – A Legacy of Change

In conclusion, Assassin’s Creed Origins was a turning point for the series. By adding RPG elements, it opened a deeper level of engagement, and you truly felt connected to your character and his journey. So, remember Origins as the game that dared to evolve, and maybe even grab it, too, if you’re looking for the best PS4 games.

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