How Deliver Us Mars Takes You on an Epic Sci-Fi Adventure

Cheap PS4 Games

How Deliver Us Mars Takes You on an Epic Sci-Fi Adventure

If you love sci-fi games, you might want to check out Deliver Us Mars. It’s a sequel to Deliver Us The Moon, but you don’t need to play the first game to enjoy this one. Deliver Us Mars is a game that combines platforming, puzzle-solving, and storytelling to create an immersive astronaut experience. So, here’s what makes Deliver Us Mars a great cheap PS4 games option:

  • Captivating story with realistic characters
  • Stunning depiction of Mars
  • Variety of gameplay mechanics and challenges
  • Rewarding and satisfying conclusion

Cheap PS4 Games – Main Features

Captivating Story with Realistic Characters

One of the best things about Deliver Us Mars is its story. You play as Kathy, a young astronaut who wants to find her father Isaac, who disappeared on a mission to Mars.

Along the way, you’ll learn more about the history of the ARK colony ships, the mysterious Outward, and the fate of humanity on a dying Earth.

The story is told through flashbacks, audio logs, and cutscenes that make you feel like you’re part of the adventure. The voice acting is also superb, especially for Kathy and Isaac, who have a complex and emotional relationship.

Stunning Depiction of Mars

Another reason to play Deliver Us Mars is its graphics. The game uses Unreal Engine to create a realistic and beautiful representation of Mars and space. You’ll see the red dust, the rocky terrain, the craters, and the stars as you explore the planet.

You’ll also experience the thrill of launching from Earth, docking at an orbital station, and landing on Mars. The game also supports ray tracing and 4K resolution, which enhances the visual quality even more.

Variety of Gameplay Mechanics and Challenges

Deliver Us Mars is not just a walking simulator. It has a lot of gameplay elements that keep you engaged and challenged. You’ll have to solve puzzles, hack terminals, climb walls, and drive rovers to progress through the game.

You’ll also have to manage your oxygen, power, and health as you face the dangers of Mars. The game also has some stealth and action sequences that add some tension and excitement. The gameplay is not too hard, but not too easy either. It’s well-balanced and fun.

Rewarding and Satisfying Ending

The last reason to play Deliver Us Mars is its ending. The game has a satisfying and rewarding conclusion that wraps up the story and the characters. You’ll find out what happened to Isaac, the ARKs, the Outward, and Earth.

You’ll also make some important choices that affect the outcome of the game. The game has multiple endings, which encourage more replays and exploration. The game also sets up a possible sequel, which we hope to see in the future.

Cheap PS4 Games – Summing Up

In conclusion, Deliver Us Mars is a game that sci-fi fans should not miss. It’s a game that takes you on an epic sci-fi adventure that you’ll remember for a long time. If you want to play Deliver Us Mars, you can get it on PlayStation Store for PS4 and it supports cross-buy too. So, you can get both versions for the price of one, and that is a great cheap PS4 games value.

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