God of War Ragnarök Shocks Players with DLC Longer Than Call of Duty!

Cheap PS5 Games Online

God of War Ragnarök Shocks Players with DLC Longer Than Call of Duty!

If you are a fan of the God of War series, then you are already aware of how good the latest title is. God of War Ragnarök has rightfully earned its place as one of the best cheap PS5 games online. However, while we are already happy with what the game has to offer, the developers have just offered an epic surprise!

Anyone who owns the game can now get a new DLC download absolutely free! The best part? This DLC is even longer than some new games, most noticeably the new Call of Duty: MW3!

Cheap PS5 Games Online – Kratos Takes Us on a Marathon

Remember those bite-sized DLCs you play in an afternoon? God of War Ragnarök’s free expansion throws that idea out the window! Clocking in at over 10 hours for some players, this “downloadable content” feels more like a full-blown sequel.

Kratos’ latest rampage is packing enough story and action to rival even the mightiest of single-player games.

More Bang for Your Buck

So, why the sudden shift? Well, players are hungry for rich, meaningful experiences after adventures like The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine. Studios are taking notice, crafting DLCs that feel like true expansions, not just quick cash grabs. This trend is music to our ears (or should we say, axes)!

The title of the DLC is Valhalla, and it seems to be quite a fitting move, given the Norse theme of the original game. So, you can expect to see a lot more explosive action from our two heroes as they try to dabble with destiny!

Call of Duty Who?

Online, jokes are flying about the DLC’s length, comparing it to Call of Duty campaigns! It’s a funny comparison, but it highlights a truth – Ragnarök’s expansion delivers more bang for your buck (or should we say drachma) than some full-priced titles. Imagine getting a whole new chapter to your favorite game for free!

Content Feast, Not Just Snacks

Of course, not every DLC needs to be an epic saga. Shorter experiences with unique twists or side stories are still welcome. But Ragnarök sets a new standard, proving DLCs can be more than just bite-sized add-ons. They can be journeys that rival the main game itself, leaving you wanting more (and maybe a little sore from all the epic battles).

Cheap PS5 Games Online – So, Ready for an Adventure?

If you’re itching for a game that keeps you coming back for more, God of War Ragnarök’s DLC is calling your name. With its epic story, unforgettable combat, and surprisingly generous playtime, it’s an experience that’s sure to leave you breathless.

And who knows, you might just find yourself skipping the next Call of Duty altogether! So, if you are looking for cheap PS5 games online, then this is a title that you must get right away!

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